My final project for the first year at Westerdals School of Communication. The assignment was to come up with a little friend/mascot for ourselves and design all sorts of products to go with it.
Meet Poe the Lonely Bookend. Poe once was a happy, living bookend, but perished after having his heart broken. But it didn’t end there. Poe put himself back together to do what he does best: Support – both morally and physically. Now he wants to support you as well as give you the wisdom of the world of books!
I've designed the following: logo, font, emblem, 2D and 3D-version of the mascot, packaging, bookmarks, notebook covers, stickers, a matching game with 10 additional characters (all named after dead authors), small poster, desktop wallpaper and a cartoon strip.




Plushie (hand-sown) & packaging:




Matching game:

Desktop wallpaper: